The superior variant in the Twin series, Twin G 200 is a dual spindle CNC Turning Machine that gives linear tooling. It comes with larger chuck diameter of 200 mm. Therefore, it makes larger components than its predecessor, the Twin G 165.
This unstoppable machine comes with two sturdy A2-5 type spindles that work with zero vibrations. It gives linear tooling with its 10 sophisticated tools. It gives a repeat accuracy of ± 0.002 mm . This gives both the spindles the ability to duplicate work and designs with greater consistency and precision.
The dual spindle machine has been designed to deliver mass production of small size components. Its easy to use display panel makes programming the machine very simple. The zero loading-unloading time provided by the machine can increase productivity by 40%. It gives your shop floor the added edge it needs to make more components in less time. It lends technical superiority to the user at an affordable price.
Jaewoo Machine backs this work horse of mass production with good after sales service and a comprehensive AMC. The easy availability of spares along with timely maintenance and service ensures that the machine has zero down time. Thus, return of investment on the CNC Turning Machine is very high making it the preferred choice among CNC Turning Machine in India.
All casting parts used SG grade with stress relieved only.
High-speed LM Guideways HP Class (roller type) medium preloaded with extra seals in both the axis X/Z.
C3 class double nut ball screw in both X/Z to ensures maximum accuracy and performance.
The gang type tool post ensures fast traveling with a minimum tool to tool change time.
Excellent cooling system and modern designed coolant tank to ensure good turning and cutting of the job and also enhance the tool life.
Complete Siemens Panel to ensures the safe and efficient running of the machine with world-class wiring.
Beautiful S.S. telescopic guards ensure the fully enclosed structure and save the critical parts of the machine from dust and water.
User Guide
Hydraulic chuck 165 mm
Cartridge type spindle
Chuck spanner
L.M. Guide ways
Foot Switch
CNC Turning Machine System Siemens with absolute servo motors
Machine Level Pads
Manual Pulse Generator
Tool Kit
6 Tool Blocks
High Pressure Coolant Motor (Rajamane)
Centralized Lubrication System with pressure & level switch